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Abandoned and Disused at Barry Scrapyard to the Kent and East Sussex Railway 4253

A Old Abandoned Rusty Train In Barry Scrapyard.  now plan are at thought to rebuild the loco to support the future extension of KES...

Monday 10 April 2017

Kent and East Sussex Railway April 8th 9th service with the DMMU And GWR Pannier 1638

The weekend of April 9th and 10th on the Kent and East Sussex railway 


Started with a visit to Rolvenden station , as we arrived we was met by the DMMU just getting ready to go to Tenterden Town .we then climb up the spectators platform to view some of the stock outside the repair shed at the station


This is the view from the platform, from here you can see some of the rolling stock . in the picture is the the back of the Norwegian , and the Ford BTH BO BO ELECTRIC Featured on the video below.


Also from the platform we got a cracking view of the undercarriage of the 4253 , amazing job being done there. by all involved .


For those people new to my blog here is a brief  of the history of 4253 explained on video

after visiting the plat form we headed off to make a video around the amazing countryside 



here is the video of the weekend 

Thanks for reading 


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